Below is a list of CSS hacks that can be used to filter out different browsers in cases when standard CSS does not work or the conditional comments of IE cannot be applied. Internet Explorer 6 * html .elementOrClassName { property: value; } .elementOrClassName { _property: value; } Internet Explorer 7 * + html .elementOrClassName … Continue reading “CSS Hacks, Tricks and Proprietary Extensions”
As body:nth-of-type(1) and body:first-of-type are supported by FireFox 3.5x, the hack that I wrote about in this post cannot be used anymore. You may try the following one, which targets only Google Chrome and Safari: @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { div { color: red; /* The text will appear red only in Safari and Google … Continue reading “CSS Hack for Safari and Google Chrome: Redux”
Here is a collection of 10 CSS tips, tricks in blogposts I have written during the last year that you may find useful: 01. Better Image Scaling and Resampling in Internet Explorer 02. Setting Opacity and Other Filters in Internet Explorer 8 03. The 32 External CSS Files Limitation of Internet Explorer and More 04. Unobtrusive CSS Loading Indicator for Images 05. CSS: Filtering … Continue reading “10 Dirty CSS Tips and Tricks”
As body:nth-of-type(1) and body:first-of-type are supported by FireFox 3.5x, the hack that I wrote about in this post cannot be used anymore. You may try the following one, which targets only Google Chrome and Safari. Personally, I avoid using CSS hacks, and when writing client code I always assume that anything can be done the “legal” … Continue reading “CSS: Filtering and Distinguishing Google Chrome and Safari”