AcidJs.XImg is a HTML5 Web Component, wrapped as a custom extended image tag supporting out-of-the-box lazy loading, native getters, setters and JavaScript methods. And what is is most important, using it is as simple as: [sourcecode language=”html”] <acidjs-ximg width="310" height="233" src="images/image-01.jpg"> </acidjs-ximg> <acidjs-ximg width="310" height="233" placeholder="path/to/custom/placeholder.png", src="images/image-01.jpg"> </acidjs-ximg> … Continue reading “X-IMG: HTML5 Web Component for Image Lazy Loading and More”
Try Semtex – the new HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript UI framework! If you are looking for cool development and productivity tools, here are a few, created by me, and available as handy Chrome Chrome extensions: Builder.CSS Builder.CSS is a free tool for merging and minifying style sheets into a single file, using some of the … Continue reading “Development and Productivity Extensions for Google Chrome”
I am happy to announce that Image2Base64 converter is now available as a Chrome extension on Google Web Store, so you can download and install it for right away from this link.
Image2Base64 is an online tool, provided by Acid.JS Web.UI for conversion of image files to base64 data URIs. It implements the new HTML5 File API, and the selected images are processed entirely on the client without uploading them onto the server. It is available 24/7 here for free. It is a must-have tool that can … Continue reading “Online Image to Base64 Converter”