New Version of Dialogs.JS Released Today

HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript

The Fine Art of Web Development by Martin Ivanov

I am happy to announce that version 7.0 of Dialogs.JS is already available for download with lots of improvements and a new set of skins.

Say goodbye to the boring default browser dialog boxes you are using on your website or online applications, here is Dialogs.JS!

The component comes with custom alert, confirm and prompt boxes, a couple of handy JavaScript methods that emulate the behavior of the “real” browser dialogs, really small footprint and 12 skins that will fit virtually any design. You get lightbox-style modal overlay, cool buttons, keyboard navigation (Enter, Spacebar and ESC keys), rounded corners input for the prompt… Everything so Web 2.0!

What’s New:

Take a look at the demo or download the component right away! Dialogs.JS 7.0 is also included in the latest version of Acid.JS Web 2.0 Component Library.

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